Remember how I ran 1.5 miles a couple weeks ago without stopping in 16 minutes. Yeah. That was awesome. Well, I've continued running despite terrible shin splints (compression leggings work wonders.) Tuesday night, I tried to see how far I could run again and see if I could beat my 1.5 miles and more importantly, beat my husband's farthest distance of 2 miles without stopping. Success! I ran 2.25 miles in 25 minutes without stopping! And I felt pretty darn good and had a very quick recovery time. So I decided after that run that on Thursday I was going to hit the 3.2 mile trail here in town while Eli was at school and see how much of it I could run. Little E and I have started wogging this trail on Mondays and Fridays with my friend and her baby. It's a great trail. So Thursday is here. I'm ready to go running....and it's snowing. It's 34 degrees with 15-20 mph winds. That should have been my sign to choose zumba or turbofire. But No...I'm a FIT idiot!
So I got dressed in what I thought would be great pants to run in cuz they are warm athletic pants. Put on my socks and running shoes...sports bra, workout top, long sleeve shirt and my WT jacket and let's not forget the beanie and gloves. I get to the trail and I am excited to run. So is my running partner, Cali (a husky who lives for the cold weather). We get about 1/2 mile into it and the snow has picked up drastically...my feet are wet. My toes are tingling...I'm a FIT idiot.
We keep running and a little over a mile into our run, we come across this.
Umm, as you know, Texas has been in a drought so to see water "flooding" my trail was actually quite a shock. It did rain last night and snow this morning, but still, enuf to flood my trail? Ok so see that mud to the left? Ya, Cali and I climbed that mud hill to cross the highway. I'm a FIT idiot. That didn't work out so well. We came sliding back down the hill and decided to turn around and not fight going across the highway. My toes are numb. I'm a FIT idiot.
At least my dog still loves me.
It sure was pretty and I really enjoyed my run. In fact, for some reason, running in the freezing arctic death was AWESOME for me cardiowise. I felt like I could have ran forever. I am not sure why, but I really never felt out of breath at all. It was incredible.
Although I may have been a soaking wet FIT idiot, I found this bench to be quite inspiring and perfect for my little outing today.
So Cali and I ran 2.13 miles in the arctic death weather and we may both have frostbite, but we rocked it ;) And I'm proud to be a FIT idiot!