Thursday, September 29, 2011
Body Clutter: Chapter 7: Building your Routines
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Weighing in with Him- Vacation style!
Yesterday WOULD have been weigh-in day, but I am in St. Louis and my scale is back in West Texas!
Therefore, I shall be scale free until October 12. Yep, I am here for 2 1/2 weeks. Yes, my parents have a scale, but it's not my scale and according to my mom, her scale is truly possessed. And we know how I feel about possessed scales! So I will just weigh in when I get back home on October 12 ;)
Hubbys weight last week: 258.4
This weeks weight: 256.0
Total week loss: 2.4 lbs! YAY!!!! I am so proud of him!
- Still going strong on 30/40/50 challenge. I intend to make myself a “badge room” on my page for the challenges that I complete!
- Bike at least 20 miles (on an actual road bike!) 1-2 times a week
- Walk 3-5 miles on Monday, Wednesday and Friday with ankle weights and Little E
- Drink Shakeology for breakfast 5 mornings (YUM!)
- Help parents clean out garage which requires some intense lifting and bending so that’s gotta burn some calories!
- Blog at least 3 times this week. With as busy as I have been, I have been only able to blog once a week. I HAVE to fix this. I have several chapters of Body Clutter that I need to post!!!
- Get the craft blog up and running!
What are your goals for the week? Make small changes and those small changes will become habits!
PS: my font is looking crazy on my end. Is it for you?
Monday, September 19, 2011
Weighing in with Him: the WHOOHOO version!
Death Trap #3- Picture above. Intense fog. I was sure someone was going to run over me as I was biking on the outer road of the interstate (I was NOT on the interstate lol).
- I biked a total of 38 miles this past week! And it felt awesome!
- 21 miles of that was on Race Day for Cowboy Days in Plainview Texas and we finished it in 2 hours!
- Still going strong on the 30/40/50 challenge!
- I walked a total of 5.24 miles with ankle weights, the dogs and Little E.
- I tracked on MFP and stayed very close to my calorie goal.
- Completely unrelated to fitness, but remember my Craft Blog I am working on? Well, I have designed it. Its up and just nearly ready to make its debut. If you are interested in crafting, I will be sharing my new facebook page and craft blog in the near future!
- I finally tried a new recipe and it turned out fabulous. Check out this tasty recipe for CrockPot Turkey Lasagna! YUM!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Weighing in with Him: /happy dance!

- I stayed hydrated 6 out of 7 days. Although I didn't win a 20 min back massage, I still see it as a victory because I was fully hydrated more days than not. I had one day where I was just not feeling well and if I drink or ate much, I was nauseaus. :(
- I completed a 12 mile bike ride on dirt roads in preparation of my 21 mile bike ride this weekend!
- I am continuing strong on my 30/40/50 challenge :)
- Hubby has a few workout buddies now at work and they have started to hit the gym together so soon, the hubs will be sporting some strong muscles!
- Completely unrelated, but I am really making progress on the planning part of my new crafting blog. I am planning on getting it up and running sometime within the next week or so!
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Body Clutter: Chapter 6: Babysteps
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Weighing in with Him
- Both hubby and I completed the hydration challenge again which means we both have earned another 20 min back massage!
- I went to the Farmers Market (for the first time!) and came back with about 6 cucumbers, 6 ears of corn and a bag of onions for $6 bucks total. I am so going to go to the farmers market on a weekly basis!
- On Monday, I walked 4.5 miles; Wednesday- 5.5 miles, Friday-5.33 miles. All walked with ankle weights, a stroller with an 18 lb baby, and two 60 lb dogs!
- I tracked on MFP and stayed under my calorie goal all week.
- I have been faithfully been participating in the 30/40/50 challenge
- I completed my 100 push ups for 100 likes!
- I got called "skinny" twice at church on Sunday!! Friends at church are telling me they can tell that I am losing weight. My goal isn't to be SKINNY, but the fact that people can see a difference makes me SOOO happy!